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About Our Chapter

The Orange County Chapter - California Academy of Family Physicians offers the highest quality CME dinner lectures. We provide superior service to our physician attendees and have assisted them in achieving their educational/CME goals. Our experience and commitment to excellence have earned us a great reputation.





The Orange County Chapter of the California Academy of Family Physicians has a devoted elected Board of Directors, who meet quarterly to plan events to enrich our membership and plan our CME events.


Our Board of Directors is always looking for new opportunities to enhance educational opportunities for our members. You can rest assured that by participating with our OC Chapter of the California Academy of Family Physicians, you will enjoy very interesting and useful lectures.














                                                                    Yr 24 Gavel passed to President, Dr. Jaesu Han   

                                                                                      (STAY TUNED FOR 2025)                                   



Our 2025 Board of Directors:

President: Anna Askari, MD

Past President: Jaesu Han, MD

President-Elect: Matthew Varallo, DO

Secretary-Treasurer: Carrie Teasdale, MD, JD 


At-Large Members:

  • Sofia Meraz, MD

  • Kun Chhai Meas, MD

  • Carly Soo, MD

  • William Woo, MD


District Director: Jorge Galdamez, MD, MPH


Alternate District Director: Duy Nguyen, MD


UCI Resident Member: David Hu, MD 


UCI Faculty Member: Jaesu Han, MD


UCI Medical Student: Jennifer Tan


Kaiser Permanente Resident Member: Houman Tazhibi, DO


























We make it our responsibility to provide you with current up-to-date and relevant information to help you in your practice. We are committed to your success.


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For more information or to contact us


Email:               Phone: (949) 751- 9011

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